Saturday, July 18, 2015

What If Instead of a Side Chick, You Got a Side Job?

Why the hell would you pick up a side job instead of a side chick??

Sooo a lot of brothers are totally irresponsible in terms of having what is known as side chicks. A side chick is not something new, modern, or endemic to certain races, economic classes, societies or nations. Mistresses, extra-marital affairs, and sanchas/sanchos have existed since man fell from God-hood to manhood. 

But this post isn't really about side chicks, it's really about side jobs and work ethic. I propose that young men should increase their industriousness and work ethic. 

Industrious |inˈdəstrēəs|

diligent and hard-working.

There is an old Moorish proverb that states, "Teach him diligence, and his wealth shall increase." The average Joe that is employed works 40 hours a week from the hours of 9-6, 8-5, 7-4, 11-7 etc and gets paid for just that. 

In order for young alchemists and young millennials to really make any headway, to make any measurable progress, they must double their work efforts. What does this mean? If you are working one full time job, and making a certain salary and you're just getting by, or making an okay wage but you aren't really taking home much or saving much after Uncle Sam gets his share in the form of taxes and you pay bills, you need to increase your input in order to increase your output.  

In all honesty, if you are a go-getter, hustler, creator, or aggressively enterprising person, etc. you should be working about 70-100 hours a week. What the f*%@??!! Yes I said, 70 to 100 hours a week. You don't believe me? Listen to billionaire and serial entrepreneur explain it, starting at 1:19 on this video...

Then listen to him again here starting at 4:52...

"There's a science to this lifestyle..."
We live in an age where billionaires give out advice, for free, to millions of people. It would do you well to take heed. 

I propose if you're the average working Joe, you should be working a  full time job, and have one, two, or three legal side hustles or side jobs going on that produce income. If you are a professional, it is even better because you can pick up another job in your field and advance your career. 

You could work as a security guard at night, do consulting work in your field, Uber, Insta-cart, wait tables, or pick up any other full time or part time job

Why the hell would you pick up a side job instead of a side chick?? Well there are several reasons...

  1. Expand your network: If you are a working professional and working in your profession double time, you meet more people in your field and you advance yourself in your career. As a lawyer you can work for a firm, and consult out your legal services/expertise to other private clients on the side, all the while meeting connects that may advance you later or that you may partner with later. If you just work a regular wage-job, you still can increase your network by being social and expanding your contacts, being sure to deal with people on a business and professional level. 
  2. Pay off past due bills: There is a certain psychological relief that comes with knowing you don't have bill collectors looking for you, debts piling up, or money owed. That second full time job, side hustle, consulting gig, or part-time job can pay that car-note, student-loan, credit card bill, etc.
  3. Develop a real savings or investment fund: With the extra income you will be getting from a second full time job, or from several side hustles/part time jobs you can actually afford to start developing a real savings. With all your bills paid from the first job, your second job/hustle can be put towards an investment fund that you can later use for a business idea, or it can be used for travel, further self-development, children's education etc. 
  4. Develop immaculate credit: Again, there's a science to this lifestyle. With past due bills paid, and a little savings/investment/travel fund building, you can now start thinking about repairing or building your credit score. By paying off old credit cards bills you will start building credit. Also by paying bills on time and by paying more than the monthly minimum payment due every month, you can begin building credit. Are you starting to see why getting a side job instead of a side chick is beneficial? 
  5. Optimum usage of your time: Like Elon Musk said, you can achieve in 4-6 months what it takes the other guy/company to achieve in a year. Not only that, but you stop wasting time. When you're working these kind of hours, you quickly realize you don't have any time in your life for B.S., Netflix binging, or shooting the breeze. Every hour counts. You quickly start organizing and economizing your day/time. 
  6. Develop work ethic: Let's face it: Most people are just coasting, just getting by, half-alive. Working hard sets you afire with zeal and purpose. People within your network will admire you and offer you more opportunities. Not to mention women love hard working providers and go-getters. 
To put this seemingly extreme concept into perspective, just think about all the doctors who are on call 24/7 and who do surgeries standing up for like 6 hours, lawyers who work 12 hours, 6 days a week, or nurses with two full time jobs, music artists who are always working and touring, immigrants or impoverished people who are forced to work two full time jobs just to survive, etc. There are plenty of people who are doing this. Some do it just to survive

If you are a go-getter this is a no-brainer. All you have to do is re-condition your mind into realizing the 40 hour work week limitation is just that, a limitation. Your body will adjust to whatever you convince it to adjust to.

There is a subconsciously rooted idea that working multiple jobs is too much for you, but it isn't true. It simply is not true. You can do whatever you decide to do and become whoever you want to become. Of course adequate sleep, nutrition, social interaction and balance is key, but overall it is doable. 

Final thoughts: The work ethic you develop from working 70-100 hours a week will stay with you, but working like this is temporary; once you have enough money saved to start your own business or enterprise you can begin to hire others, continue to work hard, but you'll be working 70-100 smart hours instead of 70-100 hard job hours. You feel me? 

I  hope you enjoyed the post/article. 

Bless up and Boss up. 
