This documentary film comes highly recommended. The entire film is in English, French, and some Brazilian Portuguese but it has lots of subtitles. It details the life-work of social documentary photographer and photojournalist named Sebastião Salgado. The photos are so touching and moving, during the film I viscerally connected with them. Some of the photos uplifted me while others made me feel somber and sad. I stared in awe during some photos and while peering at others I found myself turning away in disgust at what I saw. The film is really amazing because it allows Sebastião Salgado to narrate and explain each photo, the background, the story of each person, tribe, group, massacre, genocide, etc that is depicted.
Without giving too much away, he film remains intriguing, inspiring and amazing throughout, but it goes from neutral, to grim and challenging, to renewing, refreshing and inspiring. I caught it at an indie theater in Los Angeles and would recommend it to anyone who wants to be inspired, incensed, and awed by the human condition. Peace and Power.