Edifying art, music, education, science, history, health and comedy in a multimedia format from a Moorish perspective.
Monday, September 6, 2010
The Children's Health Food Book by Ron Seaborn
The book is totally legitimate. It shows which foods are mucus forming, and which aren't. It shows the effects of consuming acidic foods and it shows the positive results of eating alkaline fruits, vegetables, grains, and seafood (seaweeds like nori, dulse, wakame, kelp, Irish moss etc.)
Here's what one reviewer exclaimed:
"This educational book utilizes a comic-book format to explain which food is nourishing and healthful. And which is worthless and damaging. Glass Man, whose transparent body allows us to see when he has eaten the right or wrong foods, takes us on the nutritional journey. Along the way we will meet the deadly Mucus Gang, whose members are on the Most Wanted List for making people weak and sick. These are the repulsive Meat Monster, Sugar Demon, Dairy Goon, Starch Creature, and their grotesque leader, the Mucus Destroyer. We'll see the unhealthy results from a diet of this poison: a clogged system, premature aging, failing organs, [and] disease. Who can protect us? The Health Guardians! These are the heroes known as Fruitarian Fighter, Grain Crusader, Vegetarian Warrior, and Seafood Gladiator. Their live, wholesome foods can knock the Mucus Gang out of our bodies. This is a unique book, as informative for adults as it is for children. The colorful cartoons and humorous text contain sound principles of nutrition. Kids will get a kick out of the yucky junkfood monsters and the stalwart healthfood supermen."