Tuesday, January 22, 2013


As the whirlpool in its fury teareth up trees and deformeth the face of nature, or as an earthquake in its convulsions overturneth whole cities, so the rage of an angry man throweth mischief around him. Danger and destruction wait on his hand. But consider, and forget not thine own weakness; so shalt thou pardon the failings of others. Indulge not thyself in the passion of Anger; it is whetting a sword to wound thine own breast, or murder thy friend. If thou bearest slight provocations with patience, it shall be imputed unto thee for wisdom; and if thou wipest them from thy remembrance, thine heart shall not reproach thee. Seest thou not that the angry man loseth his understanding? Whilst thou art yet in thy senses, let the wrath on another be a lesson to thyself. Do nothing in a passion. Why wilt thou put to sea in the violence of a storm? If it be difficult to rule thine anger, it is wise to prevent it; avoid therefore all occasions of falling into wrath, or guard thyself against them whenever they occur. A fool is provoked with insolent speeches, but a wise man laugheth them to scorn. Harbour not revenge in thy breast; it will torment thine heart and discolour its best inclinations. Be always more ready to forgive than to return an injury; he that watches for an opportunity of revenge lieth in wait against himself, and draweth down mischief on his own head. A mild answer to an angry man, like water cast upon the fire, abateth his heat, and from an enemy he shall become thy friend. Consider how few things are worthy of anger, and thou wilt wonder that any but fools should be wroth. In folly or weakness it always beginneth, but remember and be well assured that it seldom concludeth without repentance. On the heels of folly treadeth shame; at the back of anger standeth remorse.